I design this particular scene of sand with the intent to portray a summer feel that I had in mind. I used a sand brush set by one of the artist from DeviantArt site. I plan to combine this with the psunami plugin and see if I get the scene I want in my animation.

at 07:45 Posted by leokage 0 Comments

 Inspired by kingdom hearts I decided to design these two background in PhotoShop. However, I do not own the cloud brush at all. Credits for that particular brush set goes to the rightful artist.

Design in PhotoShop :)

at 10:48 Posted by leokage 0 Comments

One of a few background concepts that I did by simply doing the rough sketches and composition in opencanvas then afterwards I took the sketch into photoshop where I played around with the filters such as the lens flare, gaussain blur and plastic wrap as I wanted to portray a winter feel to it when I did this although I can make further improvements on it.

These are a few collection of my design of Naomi in various poses that I drew up using opencanvas and it is worth my time and energy spent on doing it for my final year animation. More coming soon...

Lately, I've been animating like there no tomorrow and on my way to finishing what has been a very long time consuming to animate the female character poses in a short amount of time given with the amount spent on research I had little priorities to sketch out the backgrounds along with the bubbles, shadows and color it all digitally. I progress on rapidly as I picture how all these character poses will eventually tell the story in my final year animation. I'm happy with the character animation set in motion, i'll move onto design the backgrounds which won't take me as much time as I do with the characters. All in all i'll approach the hours where i'll have the music sources and get started in post production.