This is one of the main issues that I can easily relate to some of social psychological behaviour amongst the british chinese communities that use english too often and rarely in some cases chose not to speak chinese in public. It all seems like some given paradox at less for me growing up I had trouble balancing the two languages and not effectively using it enough, thus ever since I have a dilemma to use the limited knowledge of Cantonese less often and speaking English had been an everyday norm habit from a person who has not been educated in a Chinese school would definitely find it difficult to switch between the two languages.

In many ways this documentary film connects to me in more then one aspects about the trivial experience of what it's like to be British born Chinese going through these social problems and not utilize the native language fluently.  The  only thing that put me off was the entire film was all shot inside a kitchen of a chinese takeaway shop also at the end of the conversation it was abit too much with the sound from another Cantonese movie and the fact that it doesn't show the two people talking at all. 

In this video an american born Chinese talks from his perspective about how not about to utilize the Chinese language fluently when a situation calls and it goes for anyone that is born Chinese in a different country that felt they don't quite fit in or feel Asian enough to deal with communicating in Chinese in a oriental environment, living in a multi culture society for most of my life it hasn't really bothered me outside as much but it's absurd to communicate with my parents who rarely speaks any good English and I always don't know what to say to them other then basic conversation and I find myself having trouble interpret the two languages to speak my mind in Cantonese with them.       

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