A some set of collection that I gathered as for research purposes as these are relevant to being my source of inspirations when it comes to animating characters in different perspectives especially regarding to underwater theme as I know my limits when it comes to thinking of poses in mind. All this struggle animating the characters will eventually be paid off once I get everything running smoothly in motion. I have yet to fulfil this role animating the characters and then I can think about animating the waters lol.

at 06:23 Posted by leokage 0 Comments

These are some set of poses illustrated by me and gives a sense of what the characters are going to be like in motion in different perspectives and on that note to mention it gives a sense of what scenes would look like in the actual animation. I work on giving each individual characters a variety of body language appeal entirely in my favour. As time presses on I begun to develop a sense of perspective and what kind of relationship nami encounters with saito and the flying fish in the animation project.

at 04:44 Posted by leokage 0 Comments

I pictured most of the facial expression that is going to be seen later in my animation. The style illustration resides to Japanese anime then any other styles that I had chosen for my animation project. I simply drew this out of my imagination as I envision what happens before and then in a certain sceneario as well as how my characters react on screen. facial expression plays a vital key role not just simply moving making the characters communicate to one another but giving them life to breath and express all sorts of emotions in general. It definitely won't be animation at all without showing some signs of human emotions and body language to sympathise with the characters. 

at 03:04 Posted by leokage 0 Comments

The following poses here are just one of many frames taken from my animatic. The above pose is inspired by kingdom hearts opening where Sora was seen fading away in a dream while he fell down from the skies and into the bottom of the ocean. it prove to be quite difficult to draw a pose in mind as I'm one that is picky when it comes down to the post production. The next drawing on the left didn't take to long as I emphasise how the characters are going to react when the flying fish launches itself out from the surface of the open deep blue sea. In this animation I always keep in mind the exaggerations and gestures as those elements are key essentials that play a huge role in terms of keeping the audience wanting to see more and more importantly intrigue about the story. There will be more character animation that goes into Nami then Saito as she has to deal with more scenes required then Saito but I'll put as much effort into both characters however I want to portray them towards in my animation and especially the viewers out there watching it. Everyday I always try to find some sort of unique perspective for Nami in terms of swimming in motion to make use of as I slowly but surely put all the missing pieces in my animation together to make sure its crystal clear.

This image above is from deep blue girl showing Hatsune Miku dazzle into her own thoughts. Perhaps looking at this had triggered my interest into animating a sequel base in underwater as it has mixed emotions when exploring beneath the dry land surface. Surely it has become a missing inspirational piece to remind myself what I intent to do in my animation. The more I look at it I compare and imagine how my animation scenes are going to foretell the narrative from start to finish as it is hard for me to fully decode all the swimming poses from my imagination into digital rough sketch frames before I even start think about colour them in adobe illustrator or alternative program that does the job.

at 06:32 Posted by leokage 0 Comments

A little insight into what my two main characters are going to wear as fashion defines their personality and overall where the characters are in a particular scene. what you see on your left we have Nami Chan's fashion appearance which shows a her wearing a hood covering her head, a short strip skirt attach with a belt buckle hanging off along with a long sleeve jumper including inside a sleeveless vest.     I did not thought of adding stocking before but I might add it in later or may leave as it is. For Saito visual appearance I had made him wear a headphone, sleeveless hood outfit in conjunction with a baggy trouser to suit his lay back attitude. But as time passes on I decide to keep those costume designs temporary ideas as I might change my mind later on or not. I initially want both my characters wearing some type of sports wear in my animation production.

at 04:39 Posted by leokage 0 Comments


I did these character designs a month ago, and I thought it'll be cool to share with anyone. This Japanese art style which is inspired by the likes of the incredible and  hatsune miku because of those characters slim body illustrates a simplistic overall look when compared to other characters in Japanese anime. I thought it will be nice to animate a human character for a change since I didn't do any in my previous animation that had featured full figure characters in them to begin with as I only experiment with animating chibi forms and animal characters.The reason why I drew this character completely nude is due to being unsure about the character fashion first hand, hence that why I started out leaving the character completely nude. However I chosen two fashion design that I'm comfortable with as well as suitable for the audience to see.